Asthma management strategies for a healthy summer in the UK Asthma management strategies for a healthy summer in the UK

Living with asthma can be challenging, especially during the summer months when heat, pollen and pollution levels are at their peak. Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways, causing them to become inflamed and narrow, which makes breathing difficult.

However, with proper management, you can enjoy a healthy and active life even during the summer. This article will provide tips on asthma management, control and treatment, as well as how to use inhalers effectively and reduce asthma attacks.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a condition that causes the airways to swell and produce extra mucus, leading to difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma triggers vary from person to person but can include pollen, dust mites, mould spores, pet dander and air pollution. During the summer, high pollen counts and increased pollution levels can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Asthma Action Plan

An asthma action plan is a written plan developed with your doctor to help you manage your asthma. It includes information on how to manage your daily asthma symptoms, what medications to take and how to handle asthma attacks. Having an asthma action plan is important, especially during the summer when triggers are more prevalent.

Tips for Asthma Management during Summers

With the right strategies, you can keep your asthma under control and enjoy a healthy and active summer. Here are some essential tips for asthma management during the summer in the UK:

  • Monitor Air Quality: Check the air quality index (AQI) regularly. High levels of pollution can trigger asthma symptoms. Avoid outdoor activities when the AQI is high and try to stay indoors with windows closed.
  • Use Your Inhaler Correctly: Inhalers are essential for asthma management. Devices like the AeroChamber, Airflusal Forspiro, Airflusal Inhaler and Alvesco Inhaler can help deliver medication directly to your lungs. Make sure you know how to use your inhaler properly. Shake the inhaler well, breathe out fully, place the mouthpiece in your mouth and press the inhaler while taking a slow, deep breath. Hold your breath for 10 seconds before exhaling.
  • Keep Your Inhaler Handy: Always carry your inhaler with you, especially when you are outside. Quick-relief inhalers can help manage sudden asthma symptoms.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your airways moist and thin the mucus in your lungs. Staying hydrated is particularly important during hot summer days.
  • Avoid Pollen: Pollen is a common asthma trigger. Try to stay indoors during peak pollen times, usually in the early morning and late evening. Keep windows closed and use air conditioning to filter the air.
  • Maintain a Clean Environment: Dust and allergens can accumulate indoors. Regularly clean your home, use dust-proof covers on pillows and mattresses and vacuum carpets and furniture to reduce dust mites.
  • Take Your Medications: Follow your doctor's instructions and take your asthma medications as prescribed. This includes long-term control medications and quick-relief inhalers.
  • Exercise Caution: Physical activity is important but can trigger asthma symptoms. Exercise indoors when pollen levels are high and warm up before starting your workout. Always have your inhaler nearby.
  • Wear a Mask: Wearing a mask can help filter out pollen and pollution. This is especially useful if you need to be outside during high pollen or pollution days.
  • Breathing Exercises: Practising breathing exercises can help strengthen your lungs and improve your breathing. Techniques like pursed-lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing can be beneficial.

Asthma Triggers and How to Avoid Them?

Asthma triggers are factors that can cause your asthma symptoms to flare up, making it difficult to breathe and potentially leading to an asthma attack. Identifying and avoiding these triggers is important for effective asthma management. Here are common asthma triggers and tips on how to avoid them:

  • Pollen: As mentioned earlier, stay indoors during high pollen times and keep windows closed. Use air purifiers to reduce indoor pollen.
  • Dust Mites: Use dust-proof covers, wash bedding in hot water and vacuum regularly.
  • Mould: Keep humidity levels low, fix leaks and clean mouldy surfaces with bleach.
  • Pet Dander: Keep pets out of the bedroom, bathe them regularly and clean your home frequently.
  • Smoke and Pollution: Avoid smoking and stay away from smokers. Stay indoors on days with high pollution levels.

Asthma Medications

Asthma medications play an essential role in managing asthma symptoms and preventing asthma attacks. These medications help reduce inflammation in the airways, relax the muscles around the airways and keep asthma under control. There are different types of asthma medications, including:

  • Long-Term Control Medications: These include inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting beta-agonists and leukotriene modifiers. They help reduce airway inflammation and prevent asthma symptoms.
  • Quick-Relief Medications: These include short-acting beta-agonists like albuterol, which provide fast relief during an asthma attack.
  • Combination Inhalers: Some inhalers, like the Airflusal Forspiro and Airflusal Inhaler, combine long-acting beta-agonists with corticosteroids to provide both long-term control and quick relief.
  • Preventive Inhalers: Inhalers like the Alvesco Inhaler contain corticosteroids that help prevent asthma symptoms by reducing inflammation in the airways. 

Proper inhaler technique is important for effective asthma management. Here are some tips:

  • Shake the Inhaler: Shake the inhaler well before each use.
  • Prime the Inhaler: If you haven’t used the inhaler for a while, prime it by spraying a few puffs into the air.
  • Use a Spacer: A spacer can help ensure the medication is delivered directly to your lungs.
  • Rinse Your Mouth: After using a corticosteroid inhaler, rinse your mouth with water to prevent oral thrush.

Reducing Asthma Attacks

Asthma attacks can be frightening and disruptive, but with the right strategies, you can reduce their frequency and severity. Here are key tips to help you minimise asthma attacks and maintain better control over your asthma.

  • Identify Triggers: Know what triggers your asthma and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Follow Your Action Plan: Stick to your asthma action plan and adjust your medications as needed.
  • Monitor Symptoms: Keep track of your asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. This can help you and your doctor make necessary adjustments to your asthma treatment plan.
  • Stay Healthy: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and managing stress.

Take Control of Your Health Today!

Managing asthma during the summer in the UK can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tools, you can live a healthy and active life. Monitor air quality, use your inhaler correctly, stay hydrated and avoid triggers like pollen and dust mites. 

Furthermore, it becomes easier with the right medications at your fingertips. Pharmacy Planet offers a wide range of asthma medications, including inhalers like AeroChamber, Airflusal Forspiro and Alvesco Inhaler. Ensure you have everything you need to stay healthy and breathe easier. Explore our website to buy your asthma medications online and enjoy fast, reliable delivery across the UK. Shop now at us for all your asthma management needs!